Would anyone be willing to list the names for terms used in China adoption?
For example SWI, LID etc. Many thanks!
Check out this link. Most of them should be on there.
SWI is Social Welfare Institute, which is what the orphanages are called.
Here are most of the China adoption terms used on forums:
PAP-Potential adoptive parents
AP-Adoptive parents
NSN-Non Special Needs child
SN-Special Needs child
I-171H-An important document for US approval to adopt
I-800A-This is a new one for most of us, but it is used after updated docs from I-171H
DTC-Documents (sent) to China
LID-Log In Date (when documents are logged in with China) 1-2 weeks after documents are sent.
CCAA-China Center for Adoption Affairs (where babies are matched with PAPs in China)
Review Room-documents are reviewed in CCAA about half way thru the wait.
Matching Room-where matching occurs
Cut off date- The last day of LIDs for that month, matching babies. Currently, children have been matched to PAPs with LIDs to January 25, 2006. CCAA usually updates this at the end of every month.
TA-Travel Approval
Gotcha Day (Forever Day)-The day that APs are united with their child, in China.
Adoption Day-The day after Gotcha Day
CA-Consulate Appointment. The final step in China
Thanks so much! Some of the terms are different in Russian adoptions so I am switching gears and getting the lingo down. many thanks!