This thread is loooong and has been going on for over a week but it has managed to stay fairly respectful (had it's moments but everytime I check with Crick she says it's okay :) ).
NOW Manni 28 has entered the picture and somehow the OA threads seem to go to hell pretty fast everytime she starts stirring the pot. I think we should just watch it.
(I guess I should look at the bright side - at least they aren't still fighting about vaccinations)
Well, she's certainly not a fan of OA, and that's fine. I try to look at her the same way I look at those who are so passionate about their "soapbox" that they forget they don't really know everything there is to know. lol!
Her views and voice don't bother me, but her posting style is at times not a good method.
Oh for sure, I could care less about her views on open adoption. I find however she's very closed minded - out of sight out of mind mentality. If I don't let my son see the sibling his bmom is parenting or see the bmom then we will have more years where I won't have to explain it.
I think she needs some serious therapy, but then again I'm sure she could say the same about us. ;)
I think her & jensboys are as far apart on their views as they can get and yet they are EXACTLY the same to me.
Forget therapy for them...WE need it;)!
How about some retail therapy??? I could go for that!
Or chocolate therapy! I would be up for either! :prop:
Hmm... I don't think my budget can take retail therapy right now! (My insurance company doesn't accept it as behavioral therapy. Sigh!)
Now chocolate therapy... somehow I'd find the money!
I'm with Tgmom - Shoe Shopping Therapy is the appropriate treatment for my psychosis, neurosis, whateverosis!