I have a 6 yr old son. about 6 months ago he made allegations against his father that had me really concerned to the point that we took him to the police station to file a report. In March I was able to recieve temporary orders for no visitation pending Social Services investigating. They investigated and substantiated these allegations. I was back in court in June and the judge said that because bio-dad still has rights, he got supervised visitation. Here it is August, no attempt has been made by bio-dad to get visitation. Son does not want to see bio-dad and has made that very clear. My husband wants to adopt him and I want him to be able to adopt him. After what his father did, I feel strongly that my son is not safe with him, ever.
I read what CA law states about terminating parental rights and according to the information I have, we have 2 grounds for termination. One of them being sexual abuse.
My husband has been involved in sons life for 5 years, and we've been married for 3 years.
I have found all the forms to file except one. Its the form requesting parental rights be terminated. Does anyone know whare I can find that form?