As the day approaches for his 36th birthday, my heart aches as it does each year. Oh how I wish he would know how much I loved him, loved him so much I wanted him to have the perfect life. As I watched him move in my belly, I would tell him how much I loved him and wanted to keep him. As I held him before signing the papers, I told him so many things, knowing he would never remember but still I had to tell him. As the years passed there was never much time that would go by that I would not think of him. His first of everything would go through my mind. Is he married, is he happy, does he have his own children now. And yes there are times when I wonder if he is still alive. My life has always had that empty space in it. If you are out there, please know that I have always loved you, then, now and always...your Mom
My son was born Sept. 13, 1972
Happy Birthday!:cake:
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