I had a doozy last night, but I'll just list the top three, ending with last night's capper:
1. Cat litter. Yes. And not nice clean litter, but the scoopable kind that is very granular and absorbs urine/feces really well! (I'm not sure if any actually got swallowed, but she did have it in her mouth and all around her lips.)
2. Cat food. She is fascinated by the cat's food bowl and keeps playing with the food and putting little kibbles in her mouth, chewing, etc.
3. Erm. Cat vomit. Yes. I've said it. We went into my bedroom last night and I said, "Oops, the cat must have thrown up. Don't step in it please," and ran out to get a paper towel to wipe it up. He must have thrown up right after eating, so the cat food was really still very "fresh" and pretty much undigested--it looked like cat food but just with a bit of moisture added. Yes. You got it. As I searched in my linen closet for a small towel (couldn't find any paper towels), Iva comes into the room nibbling on something. "DID YOU EAT THE THROW UP!??!? DON'T DO THAT!!!!" I went into my room to pick up the vomit and didn't get it all in the first go round (it was actually very fresh). I transported the majority of it back into the bathroom to flush it and when I entered the room again, Iva was crouched down picking delicately at the remaining few bits and moving them into her mouth. What a kid!
Gross but funny. I had to laugh.
No I don't plan on getting rid of the cat, but man! Who would have thunk it?
Susan, glad you can laugh. I'm going to throw up just reading that.
I would say ask me in 6 months and I guarantee I can gross you out. E almost ate an earthworm but I got to it first. He's had cigarette buts, toilet water and his own poo mighty close to his mouth but because of my lightening fast skills I have been able to intervene thus far.
As he gets more coordinated I may lose a few I'll let you know.
Susan, glad you can laugh. I'm going to throw up just reading that.
I would say ask me in 6 months and I guarantee I can gross you out. E almost ate an earthworm but I got to it first. He's had cigarette buts, toilet water and his own poo mighty close to his mouth but because of my lightening fast skills I have been able to intervene thus far.
As he gets more coordinated I may lose a few I'll let you know.
OMG Stomster...say it ain't so! So far Aidan is only drinking Enfamil w/iron and bottled water and his poo smells like his butt should come with a Yellow :roadblock: glow in the dark label saying WARNING: WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION INSIDE.:eek: I am not fast on my feet, I can see nothing without my contacts:3d: which I never put in before noon when I'm not working and I have no desire to run and grab edible found things from his tiny fat hands which means I will probably be expected to dust and vacuum weekly. I did not ask or expect to do this at my age...I planned to ship the girls off to college, sell the house, the plants and the dogs, get a post office box and a big old gray Winnebago with racing stripes and go *zip a de-do-da *up and down the streets of America :earth: with D/H at the wheel :drive: and me holding the map.
My life is over!!! Tracy
Tracy ugh I know!!!!! oh and BTW the cigarettes are not at our house! They were in the park.
My daughter was just over one year old and very mobile....she ate cat poop. We were visiting my mom and she got into the cat box. I was so upset I did not speak w/ my mother for over 2 weeks. Of course, I realize it is not her I want to throw up just thinking about it.
She is 17 now and I am thankful she does not remember it Lol.
Tracy ugh I know!!!!! oh and BTW the cigarettes are not at our house! They were in the park.
So you're saying I have to watch him at the park too??? :eyebrows: OMG, the park is my "me time place!" I thought by next summer I could just smear him with sun screen and buckle him in one of those colorful plastic swingey things shaped like a zoo animal next to a caring Mom :banana: who seems intent on watching and pushing her child's swing in the hopes that she will watch ( and push )them both for hours :prop: and turn on my Ipod and read a good book :coffee: while healthy people jog by as I wave :cheer: and eat my hand dipped ice cream cone, bar-b-que frito's and drink pepsi.
Guess I'll start calling city :phone: hall tomorrow about keeping our local park cleaner.
Hopefully I can teach Aidan to only pick up the healthy things to gnaw on like veggies, fruit and homemade granola bars once the other kids are done with them. None of those butts for him, otherwise I suppose I could just buy him a cone too. Tracy
My daughter was just over one year old and very mobile....she ate cat poop. We were visiting my mom and she got into the cat box. I was so upset I did not speak w/ my mother for over 2 weeks. Of course, I realize it is not her I want to throw up just thinking about it.
She is 17 now and I am thankful she does not remember it Lol.
Right there with ya. My youngest put a bit of what I'm pretty sure was dried dog poop in his mouth. I think (well, I tell myself anyway) that I got it all out before he swallowed.
Susan, glad you can laugh. I'm going to throw up just reading that...
Yeah, I'm pretty laid back which I think is partly because of my age (46), laziness (yes, I said it) and my upbringing. My Mom was a microbiologist (retired now) and she was/is pretty laid back about germs and so forth. Her take on it, and I've heard this other places too, is that kids need to be exposed to bacteria, etc. to develop immunities. Of course, she would stop us from eating gross things, but she didn't sweat the whole "5 second rule" and so forth.
That said, even I was grossed out by the cat vomit thing. Kids will do the funniest things in innocence.
As for picking up objects and putting them in her mouth, she has never done the cigarette thing (none in the house, but there are always some on the ground in parking lots, and so forth). But she has definitely picked up trash like straws and bottles and put them in and on her mouth. UGH!
She's learning, but I'm learning to be a fast snatcher to grab things first!
So far it's been the usual things. Dirt, grass, probably some dog fur and dog food. Oh, and one time when I wasn't fast enough, an ant. Apparently it didn't bite as it went down because DD neer even blinked.
Beyond that I've been lucky. I too am fairly laid back about what DD puts in her mouth, etc. But I promise you that feces would've been too much for me.
You know there are some really disgusting things one can eat. I remember on an old SNL this guy got to ask God like three questions.
I don't remember the third but the first was who is better the Beatles or the Stones (obviously the Beatles)
the second was
What's the grossest thing I ever ate?
And God said "you don't want to know!" :evilgrin:
My youngest BS was crawling when oldest was potty training. While fixing dinner my oldest didn't make it to the potty in time and some feces got on the bathroom floor. Before I could get into the bathroom (was off the kitchen) youngest put some in his mouth and swallowed a small bit. I was so horrified I called the doctor. He still teases me about it. Still makes me cringe...
I fished half a dead ladybug out of Joshie's mouth just yesterday...although he is adopted, he still gets stuff from dad ate a whole cockroach when he was first learning to crawl. Ick!
Blessings, Michelle
I fished half a dead ladybug out of Joshie's mouth just yesterday...although he is adopted, he still gets stuff from dad ate a whole cockroach when he was first learning to crawl. Ick!
Blessings, Michelle
cockroach :woohoo: