HI, my dh and i are just starting our home study and i have been wondering if i would be able to breastfeed. like how does that work??? i mean, can you actually produce milk just from the stimulation of the breastpump? i have a breastpump from 7 years ago that i used with my bio son. do you have to take meds too? i would assume so. where to even start? i would think you would wait till after a match to start all of this right? doesnt it really hurt if you start pumping just for stimulation adn nothing comes out? i know it hurt nursing and pumping with my son. i didn't know that bf the adoptive child is such a hot topic. i read some interesting posts! anyways, any advice or recommendation of a website would be great. Thanks alot, Rach
I would start by checking out these sites:
[url=]Ask Lenore ~ Home Page[/url]
[url=]kellymom :: Breastfeeding and Parenting[/url]
Then you can also join the yahoo group 1ABSupportGroup for tons of information and help there. Those sites will explain pumping, different protocol options, when you can start ( is up to you), how to start. all that. I took Domperidone and herbs, but I did not take BCP.
Did you have luck with doing the supplements and pumping? how long ago did you start? so if i were to start the protocal that i read, and i dont get matched with a bm and the baby isnt born for let's say 10 months yet, would it be like okay for me to freeze the breastmilk in the mean time till the baby would be born? or would that be really weird??? i'm not sure how i would feel about that, pumping milk for a baby i dont even have yet?!? has anyone done that? it could be a very long time to wait to get matched or it could happen in a month, no one knows. Thanks for the websites, Rach
Well, I have been pumping or breastfeeding for...going on 4 years now. With Isaac I started pumping in May and froze and all that until he came home in December of that same year. He is still breastfeeding, so this time I am just nursing him and pumping a few times a day on top of that...and not freezing at all. I had WAY too much milk frozen the last time, because I had a full supply and didn't need hardly any of it.