I am an adult adoptee who feels it is way past time for us to be allowed access to the records of our births - legally.
Are any of you out there fighting to change the laws to open up our adoption records, or know of anyone who is?
Is anyone aware of any movement to have a Federal law made that would allow us to open our records?
If not, does anyone know where to start?
Theres a woman on another site that would like to really push this cause.
I am a bmom that would LOVE to see access given to all adoptees. I made a mistake 33 years ago and have been punished for 33 years.
Let me find her name and I will get back to you.
They've opened adoption records (to a point) here in Alberta. Bparents, bsibs, and adoptees can file vetos if they wish not to have their info revealed.
Adoption records should most definitely be open to all adult adoptees - no questions, no hoops to jump though, no ridiculous fees.