I got an email from bmother a few days before Christmas. It was a really nice email saying she was happy to have received my letter and that she was glad that I was well. I can't express how I felt the day I read that. I had really given up any thoughts of looking for her years ago. However, I was really impacted by reading the email from her.
We have continued to email a bit back and forth over the last two weeks exchanging photos and information about our families. She indicated that she'd like to talk on the phone, rather than email, when I am ready and she would like to meet this summer. I think I am ready for that. I also suspect that it will work out well. I am just not sure what I really want. I realize that this will evolve over time and become whatever works for both of us and our families.
Just wanted to share.
Happy New Year to all!
River, congrats on your reunion, of sorts. I am a Firstmom, and so there for may not be the one to listen to...You deserve what it is YOUR heart seeks. Go slowly, and do only what it is your heart tells you to do...but on Your time one elses. This is not about Firstmom, your Mom who raised you, your Firstdad....this is about YOU and YOUR wants and needs. Believe me when I say your Firstmom has waited this long, it will not hurt her to wait a littlew longer. Go slow and be honest and open with your parents, of which loved and raised you! Blessings from a Firstmom still searching...
Congratulations. I have just found my birthmom within the last few months. I didn't know what I wanted going into the relationship either. I was shocked at how easy it was for me to find her. It only took a month..amazing! Once we exchanged one letter and spoke on the phone, we met and things have been great ever since. But you have to do what your heart tells you. I have felt a great connection with her and want to continue to have a relationship with her. Best wishes to you on your journey!
Wow, River I am so excited for you! I have been emailing my bson for about 3 weeks now and I am really trying to take it slow! Thanks for all of the great advice earlier. I know that if you keep posting here you'll be able to get a lot of perespective just like I have!
I'll keep thinking good thoughts.
I just found my bmom last month too! Things are going well as we both try to figure out this new relationship and I am looking forward to meeting my half sister this weekend.
It's been a wonderful journey so far! Enjoy!