Anything to help w/ having mulitple "mommies"? you know...b-mom, fstr mom, new fstrmom, new mom to adopt you, etc.
Or what should I read for puddling and other issues?
Or when a child is pulled by what I've been told are loyalty lines. They want to enjoy their foster family. But their B-family is drilling them to hate them. How can we help these kids? Our FD is so confused.
We're really in need of some info.
We have the connected child. Anything else? Any good books about what a mommy actually is for kids?
Thank you
She had a "specialist". After a couple months she told us we were excellent parents w/great instincts doing well with her. That we didn't need her services. Surprisingly, I hated hearing that go figure. I want to be told to do this,this, and this. You know? therapist as of right now.
I like the book "Maybe Days" by Jennifer Wilgocki [url=] Maybe Days: A Book for Children in Foster Care: Jennifer Wilgocki, Marcia Kahn Wright, Alissa Imre Geis: Books[/url] it mentions a lot of the issues you talked about in your post. Maybe try that.
I like Maybe Days. I also like Todd Parr's The Family Book. Does anyone else have any ideas for books that might help a ten year old understand about foster care and adoption? I am thinking when I was his age I was reading Anne of Green Gables, and he might relate a lot to themes in that book, but probably wouldn't read it because she is a girl.
I like to use "Kids Need to be Safe" with my 3 year old foster daughter, and I also like "Finding the Right Spot" for kids 7-10. The best thing I have found to help with the confusion is to take pictures of each immediate birth family member and each foster family member and make a simple book using ppt explaining who they are with simple explanations. Ex: This is my tummy mommy. She is not able to take care of me right now, so I live with my foster mommy. Foster mommies take care of children while they cannot be with their tummy mommies.
We found an older book at our library used book sale called "Mama One, Mama Two" and is the story of a foster child asking the foster mother to tell her 'the story' again, foster mom starts telling the story of how foster daughter came to live with her and how bio mom is working to get better and then foster child takes over and starts telling the story on her own, adding new details. At the end foster mom thanks foster daughter for adding new parts to the story. Might be a good one if your trying to help open up communication about pre placement stuff. good luck