Little man turns two this weekend!!!
We've done no planning... as we've just been getting settled here. But, now its two days away...
So.... what does one do for a two year old who doesn't eat, doesn't need a big party (working on attachment here) and has every toy he could possibly need.
We want to acknowledge his birthday, obviously, we are just at a bit of a loss as to how! We are not the type to just go buy him stuff because its his birthday and that's what you do. But, at the same time I want him to have something to open and I want to celebrate somehow that can include him.
Light a candle on his pediasure can???
Help! I need ideas!
Birthdays stress me out. I have this huge guilt that I want to really celebrate it and the experience to know they can't handle it and will ruin it. I know your situation is a bit different b/c he doesn't eat. We let the child pick the dessert and I get them something practical. My 10 yr old got to pick out her first bras. My 7 yr olds got really cool socks and Hannah Montana panties. You get it, cool things they already need but I wouldn't spend the extra money on. We decided last year to throw 1 big non birthday party and it was such a hit that we will do it every year.
M's not a big eater (not like your buy, I know) but we still did a cake for him. It was basically a big sensory experience for him. Smearing chocolate cake and icing everywhere and then the joy of a bath (which he loves).
If I were you, I would do a small family celebration. Make a cake out of play-doh, sing "Happy Birthday" and they just play together as a family. No need for gifts at that age, IMO. :)
I'd just do something he likes. Does he like animals? Go to the zoo or a cool pet shop and look around. Does he like being outside? Put him on the swings. Or let him ride the little horse in front of WalMart. Or whatever brings him joy. And take PICTURES!
I was also going to suggest the zoo or an aquarium. How about a petting zoo trip or trip to a farm? These are some things we have locally. That my son likes.
We have a local family that has a huge pond with an island and a covered bridge going to that small island in the pond. There are ducks and geese everywhere. The family allows the public to come feed the ducks, geese and lone swan. The bridge has a welcome book to sign. People sign from all over the country. There's an old wagon and huge rocks. We go every spring and fall, no matter the weather. Q has loved feeding the ducks and fish in the pond. Got something like that?
Family trip for ice cream?
At his dev age, the celebration would be just for you. He's not gonna care one way or another about cake and stuff. So I would do a family portrait, maybe take him to aplace he can run Chuck E Cheese..even though he can't eat, he can still play.
We decided tonight that we will take the kids to our community center Sunday where they have a pool and big gym with little kids slides and such :) And, the three of us might have cake, for pictures sake!
The pictures of the event will be what he connects to and 'remembers' as part of his childhood. My kids all like going over and over their photo albums, or the loose pictures that I have not organized in something like...oh, 8 years?! :eek: But the connection is there every time they see the pictures and they love that part, even when they don't totally understand the whole context.
And, the three of us might have cake, for pictures sake!
That's what we did for Cameron's first birthday, as he still is completely tube fed. Cameron didn't care about the cake at all. Really, we were just celebrating an amazing year of life! :flower: