Hello everyone! I am new to this so sorry if i'm not in the right place for this.
My best friend is the most loving person I have ever met. I do not say this just because she is my best friend but because I honestly believe this to be true. She has been through a very long and difficult process of foster to adopt. There are so many children in Spokane that need homes and love, and right away you could tell they saw something in her because almost immediately two angels were sent to live in her home. Numerous times the birth mothers changed their minds and every time they went back to my friend. I have seen them grow so big with her and every time I walked through that door I could feel the love imminating from their hearts.
Long story short after being in her home for almost a year now, the two precious angels were taken from her house with little time to say goodbye. My best friend has gone through a divorce, been hospitalized, found out she was pregnant with another angel and through it all has been there for her children. That's right, hers. Not a day goes by that when she talks to you, they are all she talks about. They are her heart and soul.
I am writing to ask for help. How can these two beautiful children go back to a home where they were loved and cared for every day of their lives?
I am desperate.
I am not sure what you want to do. There is nothing that you can do to "help" your friend get the children back. She was a foster mom, and the truth of the matter, foster parents "duty" is to care for, love, and provide a home for children who are in need, for as long as they are in need. I agree that children go back to homes that they shouldn't, but that is the nature of fostering. She was able to pour into the lives of those children for the time she had them in her home, but if they have been reunified with their family...then her job is over. Her hurt, and love doesn't stop, but unfortunately that is the nature of fostering. I think the best thing you could do is be there for her to talk to...other then that, I have no words of wisdom, or magical formula to make this better for your friend...
I am not sure what you want to do. There is nothing that you can do to "help" your friend get the children back. She was a foster mom, and the truth of the matter, foster parents "duty" is to care for, love, and provide a home for children who are in need, for as long as they are in need. I agree that children go back to homes that they shouldn't, but that is the nature of fostering. She was able to pour into the lives of those children for the time she had them in her home, but if they have been reunified with their family...then her job is over. Her hurt, and love doesn't stop, but unfortunately that is the nature of fostering. I think the best thing you could do is be there for her to talk to...other then that, I have no words of wisdom, or magical formula to make this better for your friend...
ITA with Brock. The truth of the matter is, that is the nature of fostering, and as much as she loves them, they are not her children. It is hard when a child leaves (we are foster parents), but I take comfort in the fact that I did help, even if it was for a short time.
I wish that were the case, that they went back, that would make things easier. Truth is they went to a different foster home because they think my friend's home was not fit for them. She doesn't even want to be pregnant anymore because she thinks that is what caused them to be taken away. There is something wrong with the state if they think for one minutes those children were in an unfit environment. Any thoughts about these new facts? I appreciate the ones this far...
Ooorahh...I too am a devil dog wife...
Sometimes we don't know all the facts. You are only hearing one side of the story. It is really sad to think that she is not happy about her pregnancy in light of this. I think she needs to get counseling. I am not sure why it is you that is posting, and not her.
This side of the story is really all I care to hear. Its not that she isn't happy, this baby is a great miracle as she is a cancer survivor thank you very much, she just thinks the state saw her pregnancy as an obstacle. These really aren't the supportive posts I thought they would be so this will be my final post. Ya'll have wonderful lives and I will continue to fight for my best friend and HER BABIES!!