What is the best advice you would have for someone contemplating the adoption of a special needs child?
My kids don't have physical special needs, per se, however their issues do have a broad spectrum that does incorporate some physical/medical stuff, too.
I would say to have a good support system in place. People who are able to support your decision to adopt, and are willing to learn along with you. (You'll figure out who these people are as you go.)
Be flexible. Try to have goals, but not rigid ways that those goals are achieved, both for you and for your kids. Be prepared to change the game plan with each new discovery - about yourself, and your child. Be aware of the box, but be willing to function outside of the box. :p
If you are adopting any child older than an infant remember that they are still just as likely to have other adoption attachment issues as a kid without medical special needs. I think that's a biggy that people overlook.
Think about whether you have local access to appropriate medical care if your child is likely to have medical emergencies.
Yep, I have one with major physical issues, but I have to say the attachment issues are way harder to deal with and to find help for.
I would tell them that no matter if you've been a teacher, therapist, sw, CASA, GAL, or any of the other "professionals" who deal with SN kids on a daily basis, it is NOT the same as being their parent and dealing with them at home!