I was born (at least records show that I was) on April 1, 1981 at 5:29 am in South Bend, IN. According to other posts here, apparently CC changed birthdates for some adoptees, and I've seen April 19, 1981 and April 29, 1981 on some other documents. My adoption date was June 2, 1981, though I doubt my bmom or bsib(s) would have that information.
If anyone here gave up a son on that date or knows anyone who did, I would very much like to attempt a reunion with my birth family. The info sheet I've seen says that my bmom had other kids, and doctors have postulated more than once that I may have been one of a set of twins, for a variety of reasons.
I am looking down the barrel of my own impending fatherhood and it's started my thinker, so to speak, about finding the family that gave me up so long ago.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!