SORRY GUYS!! I'll have to try to do these again later when I know how to set up a poll!!!
For now, let's all pretend you don't know me!!! Good grief!!
I can't delete either of the poll threads either!!! Ick!
Hey Everyone! And all apologies to the men who may be in here reading.
Ladies - I am having an issue with hubby. He has been leaving his dirty clothes all over the house. I find his unmentionables and the rest of his dirty clothes laying everywhere but IN the freaking laundry basket. I am losing my mind.
The other day I picked up his clothes from 4 different rooms where he'd dropped them knowing that wifey-poo here would pick them up for him. PAH -THETIC!! (On my part - not his)!!
So - I have decided that no matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult for neurotic-cleaning woman-Janey to ignore said dirty clothes, I am going to ignore said dirty clothes!!!
We are now going on day 2 and I am having to fight every urge to pick up hubby's used laundry.
I decided to start a poll. How many days can my Shiney-White Janey self go without picking up the laundry?
Please feel free to leave your honest responses. Oh....and ....pray for me ladies!!!
Oh and Kathy - I told hubby what I was doing (including this poll) just to be fair as you said (rightly so too).
He grinned, picked up a dirty t-shirt and tossed it to me. When I refused to catch it and it fell to the ground? He grinned real wide and said, "See I picked it up baby and you dropped. Now it's on you to put it in the basket! You women have to learn us men know how to think outside the box baby!!"
Not sure which one of these my hubby is. :yoda: :clown:
Hey Everyone!
Thanks for the replies and the atta-girls!! :-)
I really destroyed this poll wtih my non-techie abilities at making one to start with! LOL!
I've asked Dpline to delete it for me in order to save us all the embarrassement (big grin inserted here).
But thank you guys so much!
Day 3 commences! Eeeekkkk!
I say you can not last much longer than a week;) I think it is going to make you more crazy than it will him.
If you want a poll, I can help you!
My vote...5 days. After that I predict you'll carry everything outside to the woodpile, douse with gasoline, pour yourself a glass of wine and watch the fire burn.;)
After that I predict you'll carry everything outside to the woodpile, douse with gasoline, pour yourself a glass of wine and watch the fire burn.;)
Oooooh! I like that solution! :evilgrin:
Deb - To be fair...Paige's idea is much more environment friendly. Not to mention likely divorce free too. LOL!
Spoil sport Crick! ;)
After 17.5 years of marriage - and picking up DH's dirty socks, undies, and workout clothes off the bathroom floor - I think a large fire would be quite cathartic!
Janey - If you see a large amount of smoke coming from the west . . . . ;)
Hey guys!
Well here I am back here. Sad to say...your friend Janey here caved!! :hissy: :hissy: So that's only 4 days! I only made it 4 days!!!
Man! What a wimp I am!! I just couldn't take it ANYMORE!!
But in my defense - Like Quantum - I found a pair of hubby's dirty undies in a most strange place. My lingerie drawer!!! MINE!! I think he put it there on purpose!!! :cowboy:
I mean..... EEWWWWWW!!! I had to wash all my lingerie and now that it's clean, I'm not planning on wearing any of it for hubby anytime soon!!!!
Sigh....I am so sorry ladies. I have let "our side" down.
I did love everyone's suggestions though.
Janey, Janey, Janey....
We do what we have to do *sigh*.
Totally gross about the lingerie drawer! Let me think...I know I can come up with a revenge strategy!
I vote for freezing every pair of undies he drops.
Blue and small uknowwhatsis might do the trick!
Hey Crick and Paige,
You guys are right. I am going to have to do something!!!
How can a woman win? If you ask them nicely once, they make some grunting noise or something and when you ask if they heard you, they say, "yeah". Then nothing gets done.
Then after the 3rd time of asking them nicely, they start accusing us of nagging them.
Then after about a week, I just give in and pick the stuff up myself.
I wish I had you guys' fortitude!! I hate being me sometimes!!!
You know, he used to leave his socks lying around and the dog would chew holes in them. I was hoping the same thing would happen with his undies, but sadly, even the dog has more sense than to mess with those!!
Hmmmm.....I am wondering if it's time to call in the big guns. I.e., My MIL. Perhaps a lecture from mommy would do the trick?
This is what I do with MY kids, big and small...
For every piece of clothing I pick up off the floor, I remove one of their beloved toys...
For my DH, I pick up a shirt? He loses his baseball hat.
I pick up a pair of socks? Buh-bye Rolling Stones Magazine.
Jeans? He loses a golf club.
I pick up underwear? The remote goes missing.
I'll get the old "Hey - where's the remote?"
"I don't know - I was too busy picking up your underwear to keep tabs on it."
Easy peasy.
Either that, or you can toss all of his socks and underwear in with the reds.
Hey Janey,
So you can't stand the mess and hubby knows you will they can be so wonderful and terrible at the same time.
How about a trash bag to put them in and when he is all out of clean unmentionables (how is that for an old time word), then simply hand him the bag and point to the washing machine? You should also have the biggest most evil grin on your face while doing this. Then go pour yourself your favorite drink and plop yourself down on the couch.
Kind regards,
Hey Dickons!
Good suggestion! Out of sight out of mind (re. his dirty laundry) might help me stand my ground!! :-)
Call me slow but I just noticed that you are a hockey fan!!! I'm a canuck fan and was disappointed they did not make it further in the playoffs but am still watching the final round.