I don't plan on adopting for another 5 years or so(considering that I am only 21 and have 2 years left of college) but I have a few questions.
I don't want to talk to my parents about my decision to adopt until around the time I start the process. I was wondering what I can expect their reaction to be? I am really close with my parents, but sometimes their reaction to the decisions I make could be either good or bad.
Also, I always thought that I would adopt internationally because I am single but after reading some of the other posts about domestic adoption I think I might try this route. I was wondering if it was possible to appy for both domestic and international adoption? I have heard that domestic adotion for single can be difficult so I was wondering if I could maybe apply for 2 programs so if I don't get picked for one I still may get picked for the other one.(Hope that makes some sense to you.)
I appreciate your feed back.
I will tell you that I am really close to my parents as well. My father at first didn't want to hear it because he strongly feels that adoption should be for couples, but he has always wanted me to be happy and realizes that this is just another route for me to start a family. He hopes that I will meet a nice man and settle down, but I am not holding my breathe for that one. My mother was easier to talk to and she just wants me to make sure that I have thoroughly researched everything. Surprisingly my grandmother who is in her late 70s was the most supportive. Go with your gut. Remember that while you will like and hope for their support it is ultimately your decision and your family. As for trying both routes at once. Some agencies have restrictions on signing on with more than one agency at a time. Research both options and determine which is best for you.
Good Luck