Hello all, I am a writer looking for letters from adoptees, writen to their biological mothers. Thankful, angry, or whatever you would like to say to her. Anything goes.
I will be publishing, so I will need some contact information from you.
There are some great poems out there, so let's see some wonderful letters.
Please e-mail me
Thanks, Liz
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hi Liz!
I think this is a fascinating idea and would love to participate...I was actually just on the hunt for some of the letters that I've written over the years...I remember writing letters to my birth mother as a child (I was in a closed adoption) and having them returned by the agency with all self-identifying information whited out. It was incredibly bewildering to me as a child (and even now as an adult) to be so close to corresponding with my mother, but having an intermediary party have so much power over my ability or inability to share my deepest feelings. I have found the writing of letters to her (even though they often go unsent) to be incredibly therapeutic as a process though. I will definitely be in touch again when I have found some of these letters![/FONT]
a letter to your mother can be however long you feel necessary to get your message out. dont feel limited and worried about how long or short it is. anything coming from within is not limited.
as far as the orig. poster, hit up her email. thats what i did and she replied. she told me she is still putting it together.
Hi Elinor,
Yes! This is a slow process, very slow in getting responses. I would love to hear from you, and read your story.
Thank you for asking,