I know you can bring friends or family to share the special moment. But I don't want to go overboard. For those of you who've had a court finalization, how many people did you invite for court?
We have adopted 3x and we have never invited anyone to the courthouse with us. It is our moment! We have a party following finalization which we invite friends and family. We are going to start on adoption number 4 and will plan on doing it the same way.
We invited everyone to the finalization! It was the moment my family was "born" and I wanted everyone to be there. At the first finalization, about 14 people came, and at the 2nd finalization, about 8 did. We didn't have a party, but we did go out to dinner that night to celebrate.
When I finalize my son's adoption I am inviting the following: his atty & asst (both have been involved but aren't adoption atty), both of his cw's (former and current), my certifier, my parents, all 4 of my sibs, my neighbors (my son's Godparents), my pastor who has encouraged me and a few special friends.
To the adoption party: my entire family - primary and extended, my church family, friends, pediatrician, cw's, certifier, neighbors and anyone else I have forgotten here but want to invite.
Sorry for the long post, but if you haven't finalized yet, this post is worth reading.
We invited lots and they all showed up! I made little invitations noting the date, address and time.
Backstory: SW said we can invite people and offered to be the video taper if we had a camera. The SW said that my DD would will go through a period when old when she wants to watch it over and over.
So, I planned just to invite our parents on both side and sisters in town plus their kids. It's family court, and kids are welcome. Then, DH said we should invite the close friends who wrote us our letters of referral for foster/adopt and who have been there for us. I somewhat hestitated but did anyway. I also invited both her and my SW
Of the two, only my SW showed. The other appreciated the invite.
I thought some of the people I invited would not show b/c it was a work day. I was wrong. It's a little court house, but we had 11+ people there! I felt somewhat embarrassed b/c others adopting that day only had 0 to 3 other people with them.
Oh well. It was our first baby and I had a last minute baby shower so this made up for it. It was so special -- more priceless than my wedding vows. I am now glad those close to us were there to witness it just like a wedding. The judge was great and had everyone witnessing sign in and I got a copy of it.
We held a reception at a close family-oriented restaurant, and I arranged to have a cake there. The cake had her name on it, and I topped it with a star wishing wand. I paid for everything just like a wedding. The cost of the lunches weren't that bad.
While waiting for dinner, I brought cut up 6 x 6 scrap book paper and thin sharpies and asked everyone to write her a note or a funny prediction on it (if they wanted). I kept them for her scrap book.
Even a week later, my family and friends kept commenting how special that was and thanked me for making them a part of it.
Again, it is really like wedding vows but more committal. They said, do you XYZ promise to blah balh blah, giving them all rights of inheritance. And do you, And do you . . . And do you . It was really more "Do You's" than traditional wedding vows. It makes a person realize what a special commitment it is to be a parent! I wish everyone who has a baby would make vows in front of a judge!
We adopted on National Adoption Day. We invited about 20 family and friends. I also often work in the Courthouse where we adopted so everyone who could came in. We had about 40 people in the Courtroom. The Judge was very (happily) surprised and made me introduce everyone, which was no mean feat because I was nervous and emotional.
Big or small - the only right way to do this is whatever feels right for you.
Good luck!
[QUOTE=excited2adoptsoon]Mummy, that brings me to another question. Should I really be inviting the social workers that were heavily involved? Is it possible they will invite themselves?
Our workers basically invited themselves, but I was going to invite them anyways. Our adoption worker, ongoing worker, and my resorce worker are all planning to arrange their work days so they can come.
our first was just our parents....our second was our parents and one the time we got to the fifth child, we invited our parents our siblings, multiple friends, and their children. it was a full house....made me wonder why i didn't do that all along. it was a great big celebration...the court/judge did not seem to mind. :)
Our finalization isn't until Sept. I am only inviting my mom, my daughter of course and the godparents I have chosen. I too am an emotional person and don't like to cry in front of people. I do know that all the sw involved are coming which consist of about 5 people for him and me. Plus the attorney. Later I'm having an adoption celebration and expect about 50 people or so.
If I ever get to that whole family will be in the courtroom so that might be between 10-15 people...and because I'm an only child and these will be the only grandchild(ren) my parents will mother has warned me that she will be doing the finalization party and will invite 100+ people...
That won't happen for another year probably if then.
My daughter and I went alone with Jake. Jake had been in my home for 2 years prior to the adoption day, so the only thing that was changing was his name and that now no one can take him away. We wanted to be alone, just the 3 of us. Then we went to a special place to eat and then to take our first family portrait as a family.
Our finalization was so emotional and happy, our family, social workers and attorney's showed up, the judge was so happy to see many people celebrating that moment, they were 20 people in the court room. That was the best time of our lifes
Mummy, that brings me to another question. Should I really be inviting the social workers that were heavily involved? Is it possible they will invite themselves?
Personally I am hoping to have a small intimate group for the court finalization. Just 8 of my closest family members. I am likely to be super emotional that day and I think it's best for all of us just to have a smaller group.
But for the party....that's another story!!! :) :) I hope to invite about 50 plus. I'm hoping it's close to her 1st birthday so it may be a adoption/1st birthday party. can't wait!!!
With Jory's finalization, I invited my wonderful SW because she rocked. His CW, I found out later, who also rocked, couldn't come because she had snuck off to Vegas to get married. So she was still honeymooning. My sister, two of my aunts came and that was it.
The party I invited everyone.
Rowan's finalization, I somehow forgot to call her CW with the exact date and time. How did I forget to do that?
Again, it is really like wedding vows but more committal. They said, do you XYZ promise to blah balh blah, giving them all rights of inheritance. And do you, And do you . . . And do you . It was really more "Do You's" than traditional wedding vows. It makes a person realize what a special commitment it is to be a parent! I wish everyone who has a baby would make vows in front of a judge!
I thought this part was pretty cool too. They even had my step-son answer questions committing to his new sister - very cute!
The judge asked us if we wanted to say anything - so be prepared. We weren't expecting it and were so nervous and excited that we declined. But our 4yo had plenty to say. She tapped on the microphone and said her piece. It was so cute and sweet and we wished we had said something too.