We finished our homestudy and are waiting to be matched. Waiting has been so very hard. It's now August, and our agency told us adoptions have been down in our state. I'm not very hopeful that many adoptions take place during the holidays. Should I be getting ready for 2010? How did you past the time in the waiting?
I live in Canada and we've been waiting for 2 years. We have something in the works and if all goes well, we'll have a child by the fall. I blogged during my waiting period and tried to keep busy. Maybe now's the time to start a new hobby or travel?
I know exactly how you both feel. We have been waiting for 6.5 months and it seems to get harder. I am trying to keep myself extremely busy but it sometimes does not help. I go through stages where I can be okay and not think about it, to thinking and obsessing about nothing else. I have been trying to do things around the house that I have been putting off so at least my house is getting completely cleaned.
ebonvan- Good luck and I hope you get that child!
I forgot to tell you my blogsite [url=]A Woman My Age[/url]. You may find it interesting. I've read many blogs from women in the US and they seem to get matched quickly. I also took an emergency first aid course for children and took a couple of parenting classes (which weren't that helpful since I don't have a kid yet) and for the longest time I didn't even want to be around children as it was too painful. Now, I feel ready to babysit and go into stores and start building a mental list of all the things I will need. I am also reading books on adoption, babycare, etc. I've talked to my friends about their experiences and asked them to help me - you're going to need support - just like any new mother would.
:p Don't be too concerned about the holidays and no placements or matches. We were shown on Dec 17 (we found out at the agency holiday party), matched, and met DD#2s bfamily on Christmas eve... She thought she was farther along than she was so she was expecting to deliver any minute.... DD came along in FEB!! The hardest part was not telling everyone we saw over the holidays (after some failed matches and a disruption, we wanted to keep it closer to the vest than we had before, so we only told select people...) not that they kept it to themselves either way...:eyebrows:
The holidays and cold weather are a stressful time, and emotional too....But it does happen....
By the way, now we make a point of trying to have a Christmas visit with DD#2s bfamily!!
Pass the time by doing things that you can't do easily once you have a baby.... Go out to eat at nice places, read a book, go to the movies..... i would not change a thing about life with my kids, but man, I miss going to the movies a lot!!
ebonvan we are in canada too. Where abouts are you? 2 of our kids have been adopted from the US as I couldnt imagine having a potential 5 year wait like we were told here!
The waiting is hard, even after 3 kids. I dont know if it is ever easy but doing things to keep your mind busy is the way to go! You might think it will be forever and then all of a sudden, you get a call that you will be parents! Hang tough, it will happen!
I am in Vancouver, T. We have (after almost 2 years) been matched with an expectant mother and now begins the slow process of waiting, waiting to see if it all works out like we'd like it to. And oh yeah, more money and paperwork than I thought was humanly possible
Hi there, I'm wondering if you're all still around and waiting or how things worked out. My husband and I are in a similar boat, we're on month 16 of waiting. I NEVER really believed it would still be this long, but here we are. This is soooooo discouraging! We were told there was a huge increase in expectant mothers calling in for many months and were also told the avg. wait was 9-12 months. Our SW said she thought we'd be picked quickly because we're unable to have our own, are working professionals, etc. Here we still are and I'm totally wondering what the heck is wrong with us!?!
There's nothing wrong with you. But we did have to sit down and decide if we were going to wait for that elusive bi-racial girl we were hoping for - we just decided to take whatever came our way and lo and behold - we had a US "matchmaking" lawyer contact our agency in Vancouver and he introduced us to an expectant mother. It was a blind date sort of meeting and it went extremely well. Long story short, we had so many coincidences in common that it really felt as if we were destined to meet. The road to bring him home was pretty rocky and it was an emotional rollercoaster. At times, it seemed as if it wasn't going to happen.... at one point, she didn't sign the relinquishment papers, but then the next day she did. We brought home a beautiful African American boy in the beginning of December and we are EXTREMELY happy.
Really waiting is soo hard....Adoption take a long time...but it also laeds to huge happiness
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I know adoption will be so worth it when it happens, but I'm really starting to get stressed out. Wondering if it will ever happen for us. I just keep praying and doing the normal daily stuff.
Now's the time to plan weekend getaways or take first aid for infant courses, because once you get a child - you won't have the time or energy!