Anyone have any tips on how to get a musty smell out of luggage?
I bought a great duffle bag on wheels at a yard sale today and, at the time, didn't notice the slight mustiness.
Thanks for any suggestions,
I had heard a while back that putting a fabric softener sheet or two in luggage and drawers helps the smell. Also, you can buy a potpourri satchel and put it in the luggage bag. This helps - I have done this before. Good luck!
We had some that I pretty much drenched in fabreez and then left it out in the sun to dry and air out. (open of course)
I second the Fabreeze....I use the "allergen reducer" one because for some reason it seems to work better. I would also leave it outside inthe sun to dry/air out.
We have a tray that came with our dryer that we can place delicate items on to dry. What about trying that with a dryer sheet?
Since it's a duffle bag, maybe it would be better to just wash it in the washer and then dry the heck out of it.
That should get rid of any moldiness which is the likely culprit causing the smell!
If it can be washed in the washing machine, try putting a generous splash of white vinegar in along with your detergent. I use this method when I forget I have clothes in the washer and they start smelling musty - works wonderfully.
If it can't go in the washer, I wonder if a spray of vinegar and water and then leaving it out in the sun to dry would do the trick.
We have scuba gear & of course by the time we get home it has a funk.
If it's something you cannot machine wash I throw it in the tub with some oxyclean & let it soak 10-20 minutes. It seems to get out the grossest of smells.
If it cannot be dunked in water we use arm & hammer carpet seems to absorb the smell too.
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I tried the Febreeze soaking first and it seems to have done the trick. If the musty smell resurfaces I'll try out the other ideas.
Thanks again!