My four year old has a CP and has one dislocated hip and is on the verge of the second one popping out. We saw the surgeon yesterday and they want to do a major surgery to fix it. His hip does cause him a little pain but he will never walk even if it is fixed and this surgery could cause him lots of pain. Has anyone else faced this surgery?
I just saw this post. I think you need to make sure you are talking with a perdiatric surgoen who is familiar with kids with disabilities for starters. That will make sure more comfortable with the advice. My daughter is extremely disabled and I have a rule that I do not allow painful medical procedures that do not matter in HER life. Its good in theory but it IS hard to figure out where the line in in real life situations. I think if I were you I would consider talking with a physical therapist or a physiatrist for a second opinion on whether the sugery is necessary. CP presents to different in different people I cannot guess what your son's CP looks like but I know that even though my DD will never walk, a dislocated hip would be very additionally disabling her because it would limit her abilities in some of the areas she does have movement. If he stands in a stander, I woud get it fixed. Actually, you might see if you can get some advice from Shriners. They are always super helpful and understand the importance of treating the individual in front of them rather than a typical patient.