I'm new so I thought I would share a little bit about myself. I'm 22. I was adopted as an infant in a closed adoption. I started looking for my mom when I was 12. I found her when I was 16 and we met for the first time on my 17th birthday. Her and I are very close. She was in my wedding, came for the birth of my first child, we try to visit once a year and we talk at least once a week. She is much more a mother to me than my Amom was ever able to be. She wasn't there for the first 17 years of my life and another woman was but to me she isn't my birthmother, she is just my mom.
Welcome to the forums.
It is so sad that your amom hasn't been there for you; however, it is wonderful that you have found a fulfilling relationship with your bmom. Since you only can get together once a year, have you thought about moving closer?
Best of wishes to you. :flower:
Welcome to the forums.
It is so sad that your amom hasn't been there for you; however, it is wonderful that you have found a fulfilling relationship with your bmom. Since you only can get together once a year, have you thought about moving closer?
Best of wishes to you. :flower:
We would love to be closer but it just itsn't practical. We both married men who have children from other marriages and neither one can move away from their kids. My mom is only 15 years older than me. Both my step-daughter and youngest brother started school this year, lol.