So I couldn't sleep and was watching reruns on TV and flipping channels during comercials. I flipped to Fox on one of those commercials and O'Reilly Factor was on and he was interviewing someone named Ann Coulter a conservative writer who wrote a book called Guilty and she was saying that the morals in America are broken and something to the effect of we need to go back to when there were shotgun weddings or the child was put up for adoption...
This morning I went to the Fox website to see if I could find the clip to post here and found the book is not new and there was an interview back in Jan 09.
[url=,2933,476745,00.html]Exclusive: Ann Coulter's First Look at Controversial New Book - Hannity -[/url]
COULTER: "Right. And it's a choice not to give an illegitimate child up for adoption, which is, I say, surprisingly, I think to me, an interesting statistic, is that adopted children rank better on every measure of well-being.
They don't think about being adopted. Their parents don't think about them being adopted. They have less use of drugs, less run away, less criminal behavior than non-adopted children.
And adoption is discouraged while legitimacy and single mothers are elevated as if they are, you know, the personification of selfless virtue."
Is this woman for real? We don't think about being adopted? Our parents don't think about us being adopted? Single mothers who keep their children are elevated in society? What world and what galaxy does she live on/in? Apparently not one that has or any other adoption related websites...and she wants us to go back to the old days?
I'm sorry but she is an so less than intelligent. Do people really not get it that adoption can cause pain to the adoptee for life? Or that both sets of parents don't feel pain? I am so completely upset, I should know better than to flip to that channel...
Dickons time change the channel.
I always find it so uhm..interesting when people have such strong opinions on things but don't really have a first clue about anything. Stuff like this is just as harmful as those that paint the drastic unwanted adoption is nothing BUT pain opinions. Sometimes I wonder where the meeting of the eras will happen? Like 'we" always go from one extreme to the next on the pendulum with a lot of issues and there's not enough balance between the two.
You're right Crick,
Just don't go there...that's what hubby said. Also agree that we seem to swing to the opposite end of the pendulem and can't just look for the compromise in the middle. I guess hoping for common sense thoughts is too much to ask.
She just came off as such a sanctimonious witch know it all...I wonder if she even knows an adoptee or parent involved in adoption? Although we may be less than acceptable to be around as we probably are tainted, sins of the father and all that stuff.
Thanks for responding, I was literally ready to scream.
Take care,
I've never heard anything come out of that women's mouth that I didn't go "wth?" in response. At least in my opinion, she can't say anything positive about something without tearing down another aspect. Such as the statement above. It could come off as something actually positive about adoption in general but then to tear down single moms and pass adoption off as a "we just don't think about things at all" situation, she also tears down adoption and all involved.
Ann Coulter.....I'm not sure I can even keep my words about her "family friendly" sometimes....she spouts off at the mouth with such little basis for nearly anything that she says sometimes that it's truly sickening to me.
And I hate that she had to bring adoption into her negative rhetoric cycle.
I have no words about Ann Coulter that I can say on (hahahaha). She lives to be divisive because it makes her money. She is no friend of women, period.
I wonder if she's ever heard the saying: "Better to be silent and let people think you a fool, then open your mouth and prove them correct."
I'm guessing she hasn't.
I'm cracking up that there is someone in the world who hadn't heard of Ann Coulter until today. (And also feeling a little jealous...I wish I'd never heard of her at all!)
The most important thing to know about Ann Coulter is that she talks out of her *** a lot. Don't mistake what she's saying about adoption as anything that people actually take seriously; she's just using it as fodder to slag off the morals of unwed mothers.
I'm with you Meghann.....I've been nauseous over her for way too long!!! :grr:
I WISH I could ignore her, but the debater in me just wants to have at her!
I have no words about Ann Coulter that I can say on (hahahaha). She lives to be divisive because it makes her money. She is no friend of women, period.
That's right and if she is going to be on a program I'm watching I switch the channel. No air time from me - she is just so rude, ignorant and makes controversial statements just to be controversial. I'd rather watch an infomercial :sick:
It's how she makes money, being hateful and controversial while flat out lying or speaking out of ignorance. No sense in wasting your time.:grr:
There's already a line of people waiting to pull her hair, punch her in the nose, or bash her head in. Dreaming of Ann Coulter Day.
wow Dickons, you are lucky that you've never experienced her before!
I hope she finds out she was adopted and was never told
Do ya think she'd think about adoption then!
I obviously need to get out more, or not!!!
Funny how a single unmarried female thinks she has all the answers when it comes to 'real' life.
I had to go check out her website, sucker for punishment I know...she has a forum, I was tempted to join, but managed to resist as I know I would not be able to be nice.
Sure glad others think she needs to 'go away' but obviously there are people who buy into what she has to say.
For me, I am still trying to find that statistic that adopted children rank better on every measure of well-being so I can understand what we were compared against. If you think about it, if we are compared against bio children in a two parent home because that would be an valid comparison in my opinion as the opportunities provided to bio or adopted should equal out - what does that say? Should all children be adopted out to a different family so they will excel?
Kind regards,
that is unbelievable! it is true that people who aren't in the triad just DON'T get it...but luckily most don't go on national television and make bold proclamations about something they know nothing about! my own aunt today said to me "i NEVER thought of you as adopted" response "but i AM adopted and why did that have to be hidden and looked at as a bad thing?"...
sometimes its so frustrating.
Beth wrote: "I hope she finds out she was adopted and was never told
Do ya think she'd think about adoption then!"
She would probably see it as proof that her ideas were right on the money. After all, look at how she has excelled in life. Unmarried with no children? Guess that definitely makes her an expert on, well, everything. Right?
Uh, can you say narcissist?
Your family never talked about it? To me that is simply strange. Talk about trying to hide an elephant in the middle of the room.
Although in a way, not thinking of you as adopted is a good thing but not to acknowledge that you were someone else before you joined your family, just brings up thoughts about how we were supposed to be just 'blank slates'.
By chance is your aunt an Ann Coulter fan?
Kind regards,
Your family never talked about it? To me that is simply strange. Talk about trying to hide an elephant in the middle of the room.
Although in a way, not thinking of you as adopted is a good thing but not to acknowledge that you were someone else before you joined your family, just brings up thoughts about how we were supposed to be just 'blank slates'.
By chance is your aunt an Ann Coulter fan?
Kind regards,
hey dickons,
no it was NEVER spoken about in my house. but, i'm half-adopted, so this aunt was part of my mom's family, who i lived with since birth and is my biofamily. but it was still never discussed and i actually got grounded in high school when my parents found out that i told my best friend that i was got back to my half-sister who had no idea! yes, its strange and not healthy in my opinion. my aunt being an ann coulter fan...i certainly hope not!!!!