Has anyone stopped using regular Tenex and started Intuniv? Just wondering on the dosage. We started today w/ 1 mg. She was on Tenex 1 mg in the a.m. and 1/2 mg in the afternoon. Today doesn't inspire me :) It's soon, but not sure that the dosage is quite right, will go back to the doc in 2 weeks for a med check, just wondering how it equates for other folks.
We are in our third week of Intuniv. We are still at 1 mg because she was so sleepy starting out, but we expect to the doc to raise the dose (and perhaps add a stimulant or something else) at our appt. on Monday.
I have heard the Intuniv does is double the tenex dose.
We started Intuniv to combat the side-effects of Vyvanse. Didn't work immediately, so we stopped Vyvanse and now dd is on Intuniv only.
I've learned a lot about Intuniv on Seems it takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. We are at week 3 and are just starting to see small changes in temperment. No tantrums for two days!
Absolutely no improvement in attention/focus, I'm sorry to say.
Let me know how it goes - I read your posts and it seems our kids are similar. (ADHD, sensory seeking, etc.) Good luck! Seems this drug is starting to help a lot of people.
well we had to go up to 2 mg of the intniv because the 1 mg was not enough, but then dd choked swollowing a pill yesterday and won't take them any more. So today no intuniv and no tenex - she was just horrible to be around. Got a rx for the tenex and will just stick with it. She's been on it for a year now, has been wonderful for aggression and some of the impulsiveness. She's on focolin for the inattentiveness. We've had no issues with sleepiness with either tenex or intuniv - takes a lot to slow down my daughter! Good luck and thanks
My child tried Intuniv and we hated it. Child was so groggy and would fall asleep in class, and that was at the lowest dose. even though child would sleep really well at night, i don't think child got enough rem sleep. would wake up foggy. acted sleep deprived which made child only more frustrated. we put child back on stim and child is doing much better.
L is on intuniv; totally did away with aggression. Also made him sleepy. Psych suggested lowest dose of vyvanse. I'll try it and see what happens.