Quick question- how do I change the signature line that shows up on my replies? I have looked all through the website and can't seem to find an edit button on my profile page for that area...
My birth kiddos are one year older, my anniversary is one year further along, we have a few less horses and my current placement is not listed, just to name a few changes that have happened since I originally signed up here! =)
Thanks for the post... I was getting so confused! I know my edit signature was there when I started my profile cause I filled all my info in... but now its gone. Hopefully my sig wasn't deleted and I have to start over. This is msg #3 for me but I have a lot of reading to do some hopefully I will hit 10 here soon. :)
Has the magic number changed or is it still 10? I have 10 now (this is 11) and I still don't see the 'edit signature' button. I can still see my signature on my profile, but can't edit it or see it publicly on posts. Any ideas?
Scratch that - My sig is now working.
For anybody else wondering the same... it doesn't seem to be instant... took a lil while for the edit signature to arrive, maybe 30-40 minutes? But it does! Yay!
I was wondering that myself. I felt left out without all the fancy things below what I post or reply to.
I was wondering that myself. I felt left out without all the fancy things below what I post or reply to.
You have 26 posts so you should be free to have a fabulous siggy too ;)
How do you know when you've had 10 posts? I've been lurking and occassionally posting for a while, but have no idea how many times I've posted.
If you look at one of your posts you'll see your total number in the righthand corner across from your user name and under your join date.
Looks like you have 10!