Domestic adoption consists of five parts:
* Adoption Homestudy: The homestudy is an evaluation and education process required by the State to determine your preparedness to parent through adoption. A homestudy consists of three components: paperwork, education, and interviews with a social worker.
* Match/Identification of birthparent: Once your homestudy is complete and you have been approved to adopt, your profile will be shown to birthparents. Our social worker will work with both the birthparents and the adopting parents to find the best possible match for everyone involved.
* Relinquishment and Placement: Details are specific to the state in which your child is born. Please refer to the Domestic Adoption Information Packet for either South Carolina or California for details specific to those states.
* Post Placement: Details are specific to the state where you choose to finalize the adoption.
* Finalization. Details are specific to the state where you choose to finalize the adoption.
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