Well ladies time is going by so fast. Baby William is 3 months old already and still nursing. :clap:
Things are very busy as you can imagine. Juggling the 4 kids and homeschooling takes up most of my time but I couldn't be happier.
For those that don't know our story, I started the process of relactating last June when we got match with our son's birthmom. I started of just pumping then added herbs and eventually added Dom. By the time william was born I was producing a little over 3oz of milk a day and I had over 200 oz of milk in the freezer.
William was very tiny at birth (5lb 6oz). He did not require a lot of milk so that helped a lot. I went to pick him up 4 days after birth and he has been nursing ever since. I didn't have a full supply so I supplemented his feeding using a lact-aid device with previosly frozen breastmilk. When I ran out of frozen breastmilk I was able to recieve donor milk which we still get and use today. My milk supply has grown alot since williams birth. I make 90% of his needs. We supplement him with an extra 6-10 oz a day.
I am so glad that I didn't give up on relacting. It has been such an awsome experience. Adoptive breastfeeding is in a lot of ways very different from nursing my bio kids but it is just as precious and meaningful. William is a boobaholic and I wouldn't want it any other way. I suspect that my milk supply will continue to grow and I will produce all his milk needs in the next couple of weeks.
Well thats what we've been up to, how about you guys. How is everyone doing.
Just wondering if your breastfeeding is still going well? I have a 3yr old bio daughter that I breastfed and am trying to relactate now for our baby we plan to adopt in August. I just started pumping this week. How long did it take you to get to 3oz a day? How did you get into contact with a donor bank?
We are doing great. Baby william is now 8 months old. He is healthy, happy and very active. We are still nursing. I have no idea what my suppy lookslike because I quit pumping a long time ago. William still recieves 2 bottles of formula a day (4 oz) but that is only because daddy loves to feed him before he leaves for work in the morning and when he gets home from work at night.
William loves to nurse and ask to do so very often throughout the day. He is on solids now but that has not affected the nursing. I am no longer on dom, I am only doing the herbs and I have started to wean off those too. Everything is going well and I am so glad that we did it. I can't imagine not having this nursing relationship with him.
Good for you! We are going on 3 1/2 months of nursing and things seems to be the same as what you reported a few months back!
I supplement 6-8 ounces a day but I feel like my baby doesnt eat much. Am I way off here? I feel like she gets maybe 2 ounces from me at a feeding and then will take 1-2 ounces from lactaid. If I ever feed out of a bottle she will only take about 3-3 1/2 ounces at a time. I really wish I could say I am supplying 90% of her needs but I am sure she is a little bitty eater.