Dear All,
I was adopted at birth and told at 3 years. My Adoptive family are amazing and support me whole-heartedly in my search for answers. I have noticed that primarily these threads are posts of names of people in the hopes of reunion. I am posting to gain information about the process of search.
I have done some preliminary research and found that there are two paths to take when trying to find out my history and my family. First, I can try a genealogist to gain a historical view. Second, I can hire a search agency to do the heavy lifting in my search for my birth family.
I have already gotten my original birth certificate and
non-identifying information from the Government. This in turn allowed me to figure out my family structure on both sides, confirm both birth parents names and even find out my paternal grandparents' names.
I need advice on how to select a researcher who has been vetted, or how to vet, and who has the skills/resources to get the job done right. Can anyone offer me advice on this matter? How did you select your researchers? Are there generally accepted authorities on the matter who can put their stamp of approval on someone?
I appreciate any help that can be offered.
Best Regards
I have chosen Sharon Chianelli of Asset and Family Research Consultants formerly Adopted We Search. Does anyone know anything about this person and/or company? There was a post in the the adoption e mag that said she was really good but that is all I can find either way. Any thoughts?
I have spoken with various adoption community directory sites and a few of the leading organisations, such as Parent Finder, and if they had heard of her they only had good things to say. So I have hired her and will post an update on the success and value of the results. She seems optimistic in my case so we'll see. Also, not sure if I mentioned it but there was a glowing statement by us poster in the online magazine portion of this site.
I have already gotten my original birth certificate and
non-identifying information from the Government. This in turn allowed me to figure out my family structure on both sides, confirm both birth parents names and even find out my paternal grandparents' names.
If you have their names - have you attempted to contact any members of your biological family? Or, are you just interested in genealogical research for the purpose of constructing a family tree, for example?
Hi Nicole,
This search is to gain access to my birth mother. Any other information that comes out of the search will also be passed onto me. But the idea is to eventually gain a genealogical history of myself. Obviously this would be better to get first hand from my biological family but if needs be then I can research this myself or even work with a genealogical consultancy. The tricky bit is that my paternal grandparents are immigrants and Canadian law stipulates that in order to get access to immigration records the people have to be proven dead for 20 years or I have to have their permission. So that is a bit of a road block on my paternal history. I see you are on a search too.
I have just heard back from Sharon and she was successful in finding my birth mother. I am so excited! Of course now I need to consider the whole hoe and when to contact her. I know she is married and has a child, my half-sister. But that means I need to be super cautious with my approach. Any suggestions?
So to finish my saga. I just received an email from my birth mother yesterday, late afternoon. She very happy to hear from me and asked me what took me so long. The end result is the best I could have asked for.
Mike signing off.
Oh Mike, Congratulations ! Enjoy your new journey ! :clap: B]
So to finish my saga. I just received an email from my birth mother yesterday, late afternoon. She very happy to hear from me and asked me what took me so long. The end result is the best I could have asked for.
Mike signing off.