I have been recently matched with a birth mother to adopt her baby. I am wondering if anyone knows how the baby is insured in Wisconsin if the child is not legally the AP's until 30 days after the birth or whenever the court date is. Is the baby uninsured for the first 30 days?
Thanks so much for any help on this.
The baby will be covered under the birth moms insurance until TPR is signed. If the child is in foster care before that tie, the baby will have state coverage. Our children were covered under our insurance from time of placement. We had DD #1 at 1 1/2 days. TPR wasn't signed until she was 3 months old. We had a legal risk adoption with her. The other 2 adoptions were covered at time of placement.
I live in MN and our son was in MN Care until we took placement and then was put in my husabnd insurance at that time. It is always good to ask your HR person at your work how your health insurance works, b/c every place differs. Congrats!
Talk to HR ASAP. DD was covered under our policy at the time we picked her up from the hospital at 2 days old. Most policies only let you add the baby as a dependant within the first 30 days from placement.