Yes! We completed are PRIDE classes in two weekends - two full Saturdays. The classes were intense in both material and discussion. The next step is to complete all the background checks - fingerprinting, medical, financial, and then the home study. We have been married for 16 years and do not have children of our own. Our goal is to foster-adopt. We welcome either a boy or girl under the age of 18 mos.
We are finally on our way!:clap:
Are you going for just one?? usually, it's a sibling group. when I had one, bio mom was pregnant and there 2 older sibs living with a paternal grandparent.
Since we are first-time parents we were originally thinking 1. But, after our class we learned more about sibling groups. We plan to work closely with our case worker and to follow our hearts when we get that call. I do have some concerns when siblings are not together.
Do you arrange visits for your kids to visit their siblings?
With some cases it is a priority to keep siblings in touch. If not it does not hurt to ask, and have the sibs' caseworkers coordinate with the sibs' foster/adoptive parent, and you.
We completed the PRIDE training and had our first home visit. Now, before our next home visit we need smoke detectors and to complete another stack of papers.
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