i want to adopt my step son but his so called mother wont let that happen. i could really use some help. my step son was 7 weeks early and weighed 2.6lbs when he was born. i have a son of my own and together my step son has learned so much. for the past 4 months my step son's mother has made excuses not to see him. now that im being called mommy she dont like that. she showed up at our house last night at 11pm banging on our door. the kids were asleep and her and her mother were acting a fool. you please if u can help me let me know. thank you so much
I was raised by my mother and stepfather, but my stepfather did not adopt me. I wish he had. Stepchildren go through a lot with step parents, its a very delicate situation that can really define a child. As long as your stepchild knows and is told very often that you love the child as much as other biological children, that your extended family views this child as their own, then you're doing well IMO. The fact that the child calls you "mommy" says it all. That's more important than the official papers to a child. But if you do pursue it, even if you don't succeed, this will also mean a lot. These kids deal with a lot of rejection issues, being "wanted" is important. I would pull out the phone book and call a couple of attorneys.