Hi. We have our first home study interview on Friday. Any advice or words of wisdom?
Rebekah :flower:
I just had mine yesterday. I was so nervous. I cleaned all weekend, practically wanted us to sleep at a hotel so we didn't disturb the perfectly made beds. Just relax. :coffee: Remember the person doing the interview is there to help you attain your goal. Our homestudy person was at our house for 45 minutes. She asked a few questions, explained some things to us about different laws in different states and she was gone. It was easy! Good luck to you! :flowergift:
I'm sure it will go well.
We are just a little behind you in our process. We sent our homestudy agency all the paperwork they need prior to setting up the first homestudy meeting today. Hopefully we will have our first meeting soon.
LOL - Oh . . . we make such a to-do about these. They really are so very easy.
You'll get a feel for your worker within the first few minutes. If not, somehow ask him/her how they got into this line of work. That will get THEM talking for a few while you pick up on their general world view. From there you'll know if you need to tweak any answers to their questions to make them happy.
You also may be surprised at their concerns. I thought ours would have asked about our first marriages and their demises, but instead he was more interested in my work history from the late 80's early 90's!
They're in their line of work because they want children to be home. They're not going into it with a "Gee, how am I going to keep children out of this family?" type of outlook.
Do a quick clean on the house, have things in order, be sure you're up to code on things like pools, hot tubs, fire arms and the like. Much past that, you'll be fine, and afterwords you'll be back here posting on how simple it was! :)
I agree with what everyone said. They are really there to help, they don't expect perfection. They have to make sure the house is a safe place, but it doesn't have to be spotless (not that we didn't clean it!).
We made sure there was a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, that is a law in our state apparently.
Actually now that we are a year in, the homestudy has been my favorite part of the process. Our social worker gave us a lot of good information and helped us to really understand what adoption is. She also made us feel satisfied in knowing what our limitations are and that we can feel good about the choices we made.
Thank you for the support and reassurance. The interview went well. At least I think it She was there for about 2.5 hrs and she just clarified some info and asked us some questions. Then I gave her a tour of the house. Even though it was painless, I am glad that it is over with. Now we just need to finish gathering our info and documents. It shouldn't take us too long if we keep on the ball.
Thanks again.
Rebekah :dance: