Originally Posted By Meredith Jeffers
I am a pastor researching the relationship of faith/spirituality and the adoption journey. If you would like more information or would like to participate, please e-mail me at
Hi, I have recently been reunited with my biological daughter, well by the internet anyway, we have not met in person yet because she is 11 days from having her second child, so she cannot fly right now. But anyway she told me that her adoptive parents were Jewish when she was born and adopted and that she was raised Jewish, but doesnot go to church now. Anyway, I live in the town that she was born and adopted in still and I am wondering if I can go somewhere and find out what Jewish church she was christened in, how would I begin to search for this church here. I donot know where to began and she said that she was 2 years old when she moved from here so she doesnot remember where they went to church and her adoptive dad who told her that she was adopted at birth is deceased now and her adoptive mother willnot tell her anything. Is there records somewhere in my city where I could go to look up this information? Please contact me at if you think you can help me in my search. Thanks Susan
Hi Susan. Jewish "churches" are called synagogues or temples. That might help you in looking one up. Also, Jewish children are not "christened". 'Christening' denotes a dedication to Jesus Christ, in which Jews do not believe. Jewish children who are brought into the faith following adoption usually go through some form of conversion process, of which ritual emersion in the "mikvah" is a part.
There should be a record of her conversion at the synagogue where it took place. Your daughter would probably have to request the information herself, due to privacy issues. But she can call the synagogues in the city, and ask if they have a record of a conversion involving her adoptive family during the year of her birth. There should be some record, and maybe a certificate of some sort.
Good luck!
Jennifer, Jewish adoptive mother
Thanks so much for the information, I will pass it on to her, because she said that her husband is babptist and she really doesnot even practice the jewish religion, they donot even go to church right now.