8 year old girl ... everyone LOVES her, because she is out of a movie. no one sees her problems, but when she is home, she is a monster. any advice on discipline? we have gone to therapists, have tried numerous things and after 3 years ... it just doesn't seem to be getting better.
Are any of you in this situation? What to do with a child that is outright defiant? That will not stay in time out, and will go out of her way to follow you screaming just to make you miserable? She will literally follow you to scream at you as loud as she can. When she gets violent or rageful and breaks things, we will hold her until she calms down, but sometimes she will go right back to it afterwards. What do you all suggest?
has she been diagnosed with anything? sounds like my 5 year old with oppositional defiant disorder. The only thing his therapists have suggested since time outs dont work at all is withholding something he loves or loves to do. In his case staying up later and watching tv with us or playing with his radio.
the only thing the therapist said is that she is an extreme case of RAD and extremely hyperactive. when we withhold things, she still doesn't behave. it is really awful.
You might try posting this over on the special needs forum-- lots of people have btdt over there.
Parents have two options, positive reinforcement or consequences. Parents should probably try positive reinforcement and adding basic things as "prizes" for doing the consequences. and please start with the time out process and stick to it, if him/her does not do as you wish, have a place where you can watch her and sit along with him/herand speak to him/her.
Hi StopAndSmellTheRoses ... It's been nearly 7 years since you posted this and I'm wondering how those seven years have been. Did things get better? Did you find techniques that worked specifically for her and for your family? I hope you'll share how things are going and what worked and what didn't. Thanks!