Hello, we adopted our girl when she was newborn. She is now 2.5 and we would love love love to adopt again, but we do not know how financial wise. How did you finance a second adoption? We only have one paycheck and we still pay off for the first adoption. Is there any advise and do you know a very good and very affordable agency? We adopted AA and we want to adopt AA again. Please help!
We have adopted 4 children. The first was a direct adoption from Lutheran Adoption Services. His first mother made an adoption plan during her pregnancy. The second child came as a foster-to-adopt situation but we were pretty certain (and the agency very confident) that he would stay or we may not have accepted that placement. The third child came as a direct adoptive placement from CPS. She had been in foster care for 2 years. The fourth was a private placement with a birthmother who chose us in an open adoption. We were able to afford it financially because my husband works for an employer who offers a substantial adoption reimbursement.
In two of our last four baby adoptions, we re-financed our home in order to get a lower interest rate AND, took cash out to help with the adoption costs. Not great if you're a family that moves a lot; we're not. And, not really great if you're planning to have a lot of money for retirement either.....but hey, it is what it is.
Networking, IMO, is the best way to find a baby with fees that are near to reasonable. I'm not sure anyone has reasonable fees anymore.....but networking with other agencies/attorneys was the way we found all four of our last babies. I'm not talking about business cards, etc...(though there's nothing wrong with this either)....but phoning many agencies/attorneys, asking about their fees, telling them that you're wanting to adopt again, don't have a lot of $$, but (if you are) open to babies with exposures, possible problems, etc........then, once you connect with those agencies who'll keep your profile in the off chance of an 'already born baby' (which is more often than not, the easier way to go).......keep phoning them to let them know you're still waiting, etc......
Those are at least two ways to afford/do your next adoption. Adoption has become far too expensive anymore---with groups holding their hands out for have to be careful. (Which is also another reason we wouldn't do matching......)
We financed our 2nd adoption from the money we got back via tax refunds from our 1st adoption.
Our sons (now 6 and 4) are 21 months apart.