I've moved several threads this morning so thought I'd give everyone a reminder.:)
Please remember while we allow & encourage members to post in whatever forum they like and to "cross" the triad sides, we still require that one be mindful of the support forums for each group.
If your thread is something negative or unsupportive of that specific group, please do NOT post it in that group's support forum. The support forums are to be the safe place for all. (this does not mean one can do ANY bashing of an entire side anywhere on the forum)
PLS PLS help me i hav found my sister on this site under the name kbarry in QUEENSLAND AUST it looks like she has not been on the forem for a year i need to contact her to tell her about uor mum. i hav just got the paper work with all my detales and uor moms. my youser name is torana my name is sean trenkovski im in perth W.A my email is PLS PLS PLS can you help me contact her
Unfortunately, if she didn't keep her email address current or doesn't have her account set up to receive emails or pm's, there isn't much you can do other than post to her threads & hope she visits.
The site can't give out email addresses of the members.