Hi! I've noticed the Indiana pages aren't real active so I may not get responses but it's worth a shot right? My hubby and I have started the adoption process. Our homestudy and everything is done we are just waiting on a call. We plan on going the foster to adopt route through the state system. We live in rural, East Central Indiana and there aren't very many adoptions done in my area. A cw I know who works for the county said there have only been about 5 adoptions from foster care in the last 7 years in the county where I live! So we are just waiting, waiting. We would love to hear from other local people who have been through the process. Everyone we know who has ever adopted did so via domestic infant adoption. We didn't feel that was the right option for us but now we are questioning and reconsidering all of our options. Anyone from the area who has been through the process and could offer some guidance or support would be wonderful!
Thanks in advance!
The best of luck to you!
I live in center Indiana and am an adoptive parent but to my husbands daughter from his first marriage.
We live in Indiana too-near the airport. Our sons both came to us through domestic infant adoption, though, so we don't have anything to offer in the way of foster care advice. You might try the foster care board for Indiana-there were several people there who answered lots of questions for me when we were considering foster/adopt.
Welcome! I'm in Indiana as well .. Fort Wayne is my closest "big city". We have adopted twice from foster care and are in the process of adopting our two foster sons as well. I'd love to chat with you anytime you want :)
Well, I live in Indy but we adopted a newborn from a domestic agency in Ohio. I can't give you any foster care advice but I hope someone will. Welcome to the forums and good luck on your adoption journey.
We are equadistance from Ft Wayne or Indy. The reason I haven't been on her for a while is because we got a placement and have been busy! Would still love to meet some (relatively) local people who have been down this road before. Our placement is two boys so we may have some similarities if you want to chat.
I'm an Indiana foster mom (not from your area of Indiana, but still). We have a large need for foster parents in our county and haven't had a problem with getting a placement (we've turned down five in a year for one reason or another).
My strongest advice is to ask your cw about intra-county foster care. See if you can request a child from a county near you. You may have to drive farther for visitations and court hearings but it could be worth it to foster without waiting. Another word of advice--go into foster parenting with hopes of adoption, not just straight adoption of a foster child. Foster parents have the first option to adopt the child, which thankfully happens often.
Good luck to you!
Thanks. Our worker is a regional person so we were loooking throughout the state. We actually have a placement of siblings now who we are adopting. Since we can't have kids on our own we were clear and certain that we wanted to only accept very low legal risk placements because adoption was our goal. We understood that would limit us but we knew emotionally we couldn't be temporary care until we had our family. since our boys are from a different county we do have to drive quiet a bit for visitations but there was only one requested and now there will be no opportunity (due to bio parent factors) before the final TPR hearing next month (and actually until after the adooption should be finalized). It has definately worked out for the best.