Do you ever wonder this ... especially when picking your kids up from the babysitter / daycare for those of you that are not SAHM's?
I love my babysitter. She is really great and truly loves my kiddos.
But somedays ... I just wonder what she is thinking.
The babysitter is out on a farm. So there are a lot of activities out there that the kiddos can do. Yesterday, they helped water the animals. Which had them soaking wet (it was hot outside, so not that big of a deal). But after watering the animals, she then let them play in the sandbox. So kiddos are now soaking wet mud balls. Of course all of this is in the five minutes before I pick them up, lol.
anyone else have any of these what were thinking moments?
I think she was thinking "If I let them play in the sandbox just before pickup,the kids will love me, and then Mommy can have sand in her house and she can give them baths.
If I do it earlier, I get sand tracked in my house and I have to give the baths."
Sounds like a smart sitter to me!
MamaS ... probably right, lol.
If only she had remembered to take off their new shoes before they watered the animals :-)
It's just funny somedays when I go to pick them up. DH has gotten used to me bringing them home in their diapers with a plastic bag of clothes. They have clean clothes over there, but I don't want to change them into the clothes for a five minute drive home.
My minor WTH with our amazing day care. If DD has a good day, they reward her with candy.. right before pick up time. I get the sugar buzzed kid; and they get the crredit for being nice :p
UGH Candy. Same thing at my kids school - They rest before pickup and when they get picked up they get to grab a "treat" (read: Nerds, Smarties, airheads) on their way out the door. Sugar 'em up and send 'em home......