I noticed not a lot of traffic in the Poland thread lately. DH and I are mailing out our agency application tonight.
I am Polish, born in Poland, speak Polish. DH is Latino, learning Polish. We live in VA. We finally decided to set our preferences at: one child or two siblings, either sex, up to age 5 (possibly 7 if one sibling is < 5), and we are open to special needs... just trying to figure out which ones.
We are hoping (based on what we've been reading) that we can bring our child/ren home within 2 years.... so I'd like to comiserate with others who are waiting, find out where you are in the process, what your preferences are (so we can maybe educate each other?).
Thanks to both of you! Right now we're waiting to hear back from our agency to get the contract in and have our homestudy updated. The craziest thing happened once we sent out that application with the application fee.... I stopped worrying about everything, trying to speed it along, second-guessing myself, etc. Perhaps that will resurface later on in the process, but I'm just happy that I feel like we're headed in the right direction.
My main concern is with travel. We have the ability to use credit card points for airfare and hotel, but only one airline and one hotel, and there seem to be block-out dates which make it questionable if we can even use them since we need to travel short-notice. I have family in Poland, but we don't know obviously which region of the country our child will be in, so we may or may not be able to take advantage of that.
I will throw it out there that my mom suggested we eat at "bar mleczny" (mlehch-nih) and not restaurants. I guess these are like cafeterias, and it's supposed to be super cheap and good Polish food. They are supposedly everywhere. We hope to be able to get an apartment so we can just buy groceries and cook at home for the majority of the time, but this is also good to know. I wish she told me when I was visiting Poland a few months ago, I could've checked them out. (I did see one when I was there, I just didn't eat there.)
Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions as we get underway. Thanks for writing, and I hope the journey is a pleasant one for all of us :)