I am a doctoral student looking for adopted leaders to participate in my dissertation research. The purpose of the study is to identify the leadership characteristics of leaders who are adopted individuals; to identify and describe the experiences of leaders adopted as children; and to identify and describe the commonalities in the leadership characteristics and experiences of leaders adopted as children.
Participation in this research is strictly voluntary. If at any time during the study you feel uncomfortable you may terminate your participation.
Respondents must be adopted leaders 30 years old and older, and living in California. For the purpose of this study, the term leaderӔ refers to someone who is responsible for or supervises at least one individual in a work setting.
If you meet the selection criteria and are willing to participate in this study, please contact me at and I will send you a link to an online survey. The survey is brief and should only take 10-15 minutes to complete. The deadline for responses is December 21, 2010.
Thank you for your consideration! This research will be beneficial to adoptees and the field of leadership in the future.