I realize everyone is different, but I'm looking for varying opinions, so fire away!
We adopted DS #1, came home at 9mo from Guate. I got pregnant just 3 months later w/DS #2. They are 21mo. apart. Nursing a newborn, and caring for a not-yet-2yo, was really, really hard, esp. since my husband is an assistant principal and head football coach (DS #2 was born in August, right when practices began). I stayed home for 12w then went back to full-time teaching.
Anyway, now they are 4yo and 2yo. I am longing--aching--for a third child. But I'm nervous about FT work, a newborn, a 5-6yo and a 3-4yo. HTH would I cope? How do you cope, esp if you have a husband who is away a lot and you also work? Think it's too soon?? I go back and forth, back and forth...
I think worrying about "the right time" many people pass up on good situations. My hubby travels....a lot!!! I stay at home but just keeping our house, schedules etc is a full time job. Our first sib set of 3 arrived July and 5 1/2 months later, unexpectedly, we added their 3 bio cousins. All six children were under 7 and special needs to boot. I, at the time ran a home childcare and had 8 fulltime children. We managed to juggle schedules and make it work for a couple of months before it became to much and I quit to become a stay at home mom.
We started with routine and structure upon everyone walking through the doors. My days are very much the same. Its the only way that I manage to get it all done. The key is making everyone accountable. Little kids can wash a table, fold towels and gather dirty laundry. etc. We do 15 min cleanups instead of routine chores and much much more gets accomplished with the older children. I plan meals usually on the fly but have an extremely stocked pantry. I bath children like an assembly line and play time in the tub doesn't happen unless it is on a non bath night. As far as time for myself I don't get any unless it is between 8-10pm. I usually grab a book and a tub for myself. I really enjoy my life. It is busy, chaotic and filled with laughter and struggles. My door is always open for more children. Only you know your limits. I think one just chooses to make it happen if you really want to. So go ahead and make it happen!