Have any of you ever submitted a travel voucher for travel expenses with the State?
I've been taking one of my babies to Indy every week, so I've turned in travel vouchers from Oct and Nov. Does anyone know if they pay those promptly or does it take weeks/months to see reimbursement?
I was under the impression that Indy wasn't far enough for us to put in a travel voucher? My boys went to indy ALL the time.. Way back when the 4yr old was an infant, they paid our gas thru the county.. Sorry , I"m no help.. I have no clue :)
When I asked about it, I was told that it had to be at least 50 miles one way to qualify for reimbursement. I have 86 miles one way to where I take my baby. So if I've been told correctly, those trips count. (I sure hope they're right.) :-)
hmmm.. well that's interesting.. I was told 100 miles and they only paid for the miles AFTER 100.. like mile 101-150 you could charge for 49miles. Who knows though, I never get the same info if I ask more than one person in this state.. lol! I hope you get it, let me know if you do! It'll be good to know for future!
I finally got to speak to someone in Indy about this and they told me it normally takes 35 days to process Travel Vouchers. :-/