While reading today's posts a little while ago I ran across one that was the first response to a post from 6/2004. The original poster was a young man looking for his bmom. He was born about an hour south of where I live. He gave her maiden name and some other info.
The reply from today was from a woman who gave that as her name and also said she was living in a small town that I know is about 30 minutes from the town he was born in. Quite a bit of the info matched.
I looked on the blue screen and found that he hadn't been on since his original post. There was an email addy so I sent him a quick email in which I copy/pasted the reply from today. The email didn't bounce back so I know it is still a good addy. We'll see what happens. Kind of exciting to think there may be another reunion in the works due to
That would be cool!Just be sure that we never share anyone's email addy with anyone else. Sending an email with a copy of the post is absolutely fine, just making sure that everyone here knows we can't give out any email addy's even in a case of search & reunion. (just dawned on me when I saw this that it might come up)