My son (oldest boy with 4 sisters, poor kid), just turned 10. He is not going to be a tall boy. He just recently started wearing size 7 pants. He is Hispanic. Bio dad, we are guessing is around 5'4"-5'5". Bio mom is slightly taller at about 5'5"-5'6". Both of his younger sisters (full bio) are taller than he is. For awhile they were all three at the same height, but he just hasn't grown like they have. He still shows enough growth on the chart that the Dr isn't concerned...he's just going to be short! He also has a metabolism that doesn't stop!
He eats like a teenager, yet skinny as a rail!
He sometimes gets self conscious about it...especially when someone thinks he's only 5 or 6...but he has a great sense of humor, so it doesn't get him too down.
I know this is an old thread, but how tall did he end up?
Last update on June 8, 6:34 pm by Jennifer Williams.
We have calculated it for myself, my brother and DH and it was way off with all of us. I am 3 inches shorter than projected and they are each several inches taller. I can't remember the exact amounts (I remember mine because I so wish I was 5'10"!) but it was significant.
If I calculate it for my bio son it says he will be 5'10" and he is already 5'8" now at age 12 and I would presume not anywhere close to done growing. I expect him to be well past 6'.
I have also calculated it for my younger two (adopted) children and I think it way overestimates their expected adult height based on their current size and birthmothers' heights. I may well be wrong, but I think it highly unlikely they will reach those heights.
I know this is an old post but I just wanted to see where your sons predictions are now.
Caleb has always been 10th percentile for height. He's usually the smallest in a group of kids about the same age. Kids who are 6-12 months younger than him are taller. He's 2 yrs, 4 mos and still wearing 12 month size pants. However, his pedi has never been concerned, as he's never fallen off his growth curve. We have no information on his birth father, so we can't look to that for where he might be, height wise. His birth mother seemed to be around 5'6". So who knows, maybe he'll have a growth spurt.
I know this is an old post, but wanted to see if he has stayed in the 10 percentile?