I have been on this website for years and searching for years. I have gone through many phases and emotions during this search. I would be consumed with my search for awhile and then lose steam for awhile.
Well, after all of these years, I found her! I actually thought I found her almost a year ago. Once I had the address in my hands, I panicked and basically shut down. I finally got myself together and wrote her a letter. I sent it with a signature required so I knew when and if she got it.
She did and 2 days later I got an email from her. I was in such shock because I had always prepared myself for the worst. I honestly thought she wasn't going to want to contact me back and I was going to be left waiting.
The email was such a positive email and just such a relief and surprise. She wanted to meet right away. I need some time to digest everything so we have been emailing for about a week. I sent her some pictures and I am waiting anxiously for her to send me some.
I am very nervous but also excited to meet her at some point. There are a lot of things she wants to talk about in person and I really look forward to finding out more.
I wonder where this journey will take me and will take us in general. I am definitely feeling a lot of different emotions but I am trying to think positive and not worry about possible kinks.
Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone else searching!