Originally Posted By Just Reading This to Cynic
Cynic - You sound both knowledgeable about open adoption and its benefits and passionate about it. You could use these gifts to educate others, but I winced when I read your reply to Kris. She is likely someone who is just now learning about adoption and she made the effort to come to a place where she could gather information. Most people do not know about, much the less understand, what open adoption is all about, and people fear what they do not understand. There are so many adoptive parents who are willing and happy participants in open adoptions who were initially scared and confused when they heard about open adoption for the first time. You are right that it is not for everyone -- not every adoptive parent OR every birthmother can handle what open adoption has to offer, though I do agree with you that it is best for the child. Also, birthmothers deserve to be respected --- putting a child first is the most selfless act. I would also humbly say that adoptive parents are not selfish opportunists. We are people with feelings and losses of our own -- in the case of some of my friends -- even the loss of a child. All I am saying is that you sound like someone who could do much to educate others about open adoption, but it is very hard for people to look past personal attacks to the truth that you have to speak about the benefits.
Originally Posted By Cynic
You make legitimate points. I know that Kris was not going to believe or like what I have to say, which is why I called her post to the attention of birthmothers and adoptive mothers. I know that Kris will value the comments from the adoptive mothers that have felt similar to her and have since changed their minds in regards to open adoption. I would not have been so harsh and would have made a more informational only post if she did not make the "having their cake and eating it too" statement. I admit that it was not mature to attack her for stating her feelings, I just wanted to show her my disgust and hopefully she can learn something from the others posted here.