I've been lurking around these forums for a couple of months now. We are officially licensed today! :happydance:
Thought I would jump in now that we are ready to move forward! My dh and I have been married for 10 years, and have 3 bio kids.
7 yr old :male:
5 yr old :male:
5 yr old :female:
We've been thinking about doing foster care for several years, and the time just finally felt right. We began our classes in January '11 and just today were called and told we are officially licensed!
We are licensed for up to 2 children, ages 0-4.
I am practically sitting on the phone waiting for a call! But I know it could be any day now... or a long time from now. I am so excited! And yet I realize that when we do get a placement/s that I won't have a clue of what to do first!
I'm so happy to have found these forums for support! Thanks for sharing your experiences!