This is my first post & I hope this is the right place for this, but I desperately need help right now. So, I will give the back story before I say what is going on so you can fully understand where we are right now. We have 4 kids, 1, 3, 7, 9. We adopted the 7 and 9 year old from treatment foster care almost 2 years ago. Throughout the disclosure process we asked EVERYONE if they had RAD and it was a unanimous no. They said my DS had ADHD, but with my experience as a teacher I disagreed with that. When they moved in with us we stopped his meds and things were great until they literally came crashing down. The social workers kept telling us the kids were worried about adoption and trying to push us away. They said once the adoption was finalized the behaviors would stop. They were also in therapy and she dropped them after about 2 months, saying they didn't need it anymore. Needless to say it didn't stop, but rather escalated. January of '10 we were at our wits end and called an attachment therapist. At the time I was 6 months pregnant and I was worried that I would have post partum depression like I had with my first. I figured the combo of me and our DS couldn't work. The clinical director diagnosed them both with RAD and we came up with a treatment plan. My DD worked through the program and is now for the most part a normal girl. Sometime we have struggle with her, but she is significantly better.
Now to my DS. He is not better in any sense of the word. He is almost 8 and has "accidents" whenever he doesn't get his way. He intentionally breaks toys, glares at the other kids in our house, tells my 3 year old scary stories, "looses" his jacket if he is mad, fights at schools, steals at school, breaks school supplies, throws fits, lies, destroys his clothes, pretends like he can't read, pretends to do his homework/ chores/ bath, manipulates people, hurts our dogs, puts himself and other kids in dangerous situations, tries to intentionally injure my 3 year old, took a play knife from my class and threatened kids in his class. And that is the short list. When I was pregnant he threw a fit and started kicking me in the stomach. He also seems to have severe jealousy issues with my 3 year old and it really came to light last month when my little guy had a birthday. My older DS just glared and glared at him when we brought him his new bike. However, just 6 months before my 7 year old got a bike!! To top it off, in November he went and told the school nurse that I pushed him into a dresser and they called child protective services. Mind you, I am a teacher at this school and they knew it was not true. CYFD did their investigation and of course it was unsubstantiated, but I still have to work at that school. I am still so mad that he said that and completely mortified that is on my record. I feel that my anger started at this point. Even though I knew it was untrue, I was still terrified that I was going to loose my babies.
I just don't know what to do. I feel horrible, but right at this moment I CANNOT stand him. My DH and I said that when 2 years rolls around, if he wasn't showing progress he was out of here. He has been in attachment therapy since Jan '10 and he is being re-evaluated because she doesn't know why he isn't making progress. I feel like for the safety of my babies and the mental health of our DD that he needs to go. But, we would keep her. We don't feel that she should move from a happy, safe home because of him. I really don't know what I am looking for right now, but had to get that out. People around us see the good, charming little boy and look at my DH and I like we are crazy. Would you call it quits or stick with it? My DH and I are scared about what he will be like in the future if he is already this bad.
It sounds overwhelming and exhausting. It is so hard because the outside world (including friends, family, schools and Church) doesn't understand RAD. It reallyhelps to connect with other RAD parents.
I can't say whether you should stick it out or not. That is a decision only you and your hsand can make.
Keep reaching out for support. Try to find people in your area you can connect with who are also raising RAD kids. One of my favorites is Christine Moers' [url=]welcome to my brain . net[/url] . On this site there is a link to google maps where you can find& connect with other RAD parents.
Check out Christine's videos since you mentioned that your son has "accidents" - you will love Christine's song "What you Do With Pee"
Kee reaching out for help and support. RAD kids can heal.
Good luck on your journey.
We have a 6 year old DD who has RAD, was exposed to cocaine and alcohol in the womb and has her issues for sure. I have had to many people, people I thought were good friends and my family who tell me she is just so sweet and we are WAY to strict with her, we just need to calm down, give her some freedom and let her be a kid. I wish I could but you know as well as I do that kids don't take days off from being RAD they thrive on it.
I don't know anybody else with RAD children and have spent so many times feeling alone, as all advice from friends and family just don't work for our DD. I have found this Website to be AMAZING!! Every time we get stuck on an issue and don't know how to deal with it I post on here and realize there are so many other people out there and they have amazing suggestions.
Ask advice on here and you will helpful suggestions and I wish you all the best of luck and strength to make the right decision for your family.
(((hugs)))) i am so sorry. my dd had RAD....i hated her for a long time, and hated myself for hating her. i have lived in the lowest of low spots and remember questioning the adoption and contemplating disruption. only you can decide what is best for your ds and your family....but just know my heart goes out to you. you are not alone...even though it probably feels like you are. there are many parents here who have btdt. you may want to post again in the general special needs forum...there are many many parents there who parent/parented RAD children who can offer you some support. :) hang in there!