Originally Posted By sheila
this is to any adoptive mom that has a closed adoption. I would like you to consider the birthmom and her feelings about her child. I ama abirthmom and looking for a picture of my daughter. Closed adoptions are very hurtful to the birthmom because down the road she will want information about the child. Open adoption takes the secreats away and the birthmom can know how the child is doing. I f the adoptive mom who adopted my child reads this please i would love a picture or letter please. tks for your consideration
Originally Posted By Cynic
Closed adoptions are not good for the adoptee either. When the child has questions that the adoptive mother cannot answer, the birthmother can help provide answers in an open adoption.
Originally Posted By NicksterMommy
I was about to say the same thing. I am an Amom, and I strongly believe that some level of openness is best for the child AND for the adoptive parents. I cannot imagine having to say "I don't know" to the many questions that my son will have in the future. And if there aren't answers due to a closed adoption, kids are bad about filling in the gaps will all sorts of stuff -- either romantic fantasies about the Bmom being a millionnaire or horror stories about the Bmom hating him. The truth fills in the holes and gives the child a realistic understanding.
Thanks to a semi-open adoption, I can look my son in the eye and tell him with absolute certainty that his Bmom truly loves him, thinks about him, and is carrying around a hole in her heart because she chose to give him an intact, two-parent family.
Originally Posted By bm Jamie
there is a book out there called (how to open an adoption ) I don't know the name of the author though.