I am new to the site. Me and my husband have had a really hard time conceiving a child. We have considered doing fertility treatments but since i was young because i have low B-12 and low Iron i have to take shots and pill's daily. Most people don't think its a big deal but if you have taken them as long as i have you really don't want to do it only if you have too. Are there any good fostering or foster-to-adopt agencies in Calgary or around Alberta. Are they pretty strict on who they let foster a child? My husband and myself will be 25 and 31 in july. We have no serious health issue's but i do have some depression issue's but those are easily taken care of with pills and what not but i haven't taken medication for a long time. We are also on AISH but we don't have anything physically wrong with us just that my husband never learnt to read or write but he's had jobs where they don't need him to read or write and if they do someone helps him. I had ADD when i was younger and i am just a really shy person at time's. Would being on aish limit our chances of becoming either foster parents or foster to adopt parents. Also do they not accept people who don't have their own car or license. We either get drives from family members or take taxi's everywhere. If anyone can help me with these answers i would be greatful.
I don't know the answers to your questions (not sure what aish is), but do want to prep you a little....don't go into it thinking the adoption route is easier.
Trust me, after 5 unsuccessful iui treatments, with shots and the whole nine yards, that was still multitudes easier and less headache than the adoption route.
That said, I know we're on the right path and I only did fertility treatments because they were easier. I'm actually pretty glad I don't have to ever go thru a pregnancy *blush*
You may want to think and prepare a little more before you explore it. While I don't know the situation enough to know whether it'd work, I'd have a hard time raising a child without immediate access to transportation and taxis would get very pricey I'd think.
not sure how I accidentally ended up in the Canada forum, lol
I don't know what aish is, but I'd work towards resolving the transportation thing (obviously I don't know enough details to know what is a stumbling block for you there, but seems like your life raising a child would be difficult at best without your own source of transportation). Showing you're self reliant will help alot I'm sure.
We are actually quite self reliant. We mostly only get rid's if we go for a large grocery shopping or we are helping one of my family members. It helps people that disabilities with money though technically we don't really need it anymore as my husband works a full time job and i am going back to school to get a degree. I never went into this thinking it would be easy.
I'm not in Canada, but here is a government link that should be helpful: [url=]Government of Alberta: Foster Care[/url]
Good luck. I hope you are able to realize your dream of a happy family.