I light a candle of peace and healing to my wonderful grandsons Logan and Bradley. They are 7 and 5, I miss them terribly.:hissy: They are in foster care now, DCF plans to adopt them out. :mad: Their mother is heartbroken, as am I. I was also adopted, and not having them is crushing the life out of me. :arrow: I love :love: you sweet boys!
I'm sorry for your loss.
I light a candle of peace and healing to my wonderful grandsons Logan and Bradley. They are 7 and 5, I miss them terribly.:hissy: They are in foster care now, DCF plans to adopt them out. :mad: Their mother is heartbroken, as am I. I was also adopted, and not having them is crushing the life out of me. :arrow: I love :love: you sweet boys!
Thank you Leonard, I appreciate your thoughts. The boys were adopted out. All I can do is pray they are living a wonderful life and pray even harder that they seek their birth family out when they are old enough. Nothing can heal my heart, it is beyond repair.